The Myth of Donald Trump's Job Creation Success

Welcome to my first post on this blog. The goal is to create a shareable information and graphic resource to guide voters in the upcoming election. The hope is that a body of easy-to-follow graphics and information will be presented, and everyone is encouraged to share the presented materials! So feel free to grab the images and use them to bolster you're individual conversations or share on any site you like. Note that much of the information I'll discuss is nothing "new", but rather I'm trying to develop graphics and presentation materials that ease the understanding of these points. For today, lets explode a myth. Myth - The economy, including the job market, has been better under Trump than Obama. Reality - Average monthly job growth was lower during Trump's first 38 months in office compared with Obama's last 38 month in office! What is this data? For each month of the analysis, total non-farm employment is compared with the same mont...